Chanakya, known as Kautilya or Vishnu Gupta, is one of the renowned personality of Indian History. He was born in 370BC and died in 283BC, and got his education at the ancient University of Takshashila of India (Now this University is in Pakistan) and later became an Acharya (Professor) in the same ancient university of political science and economics.
Kautilya played a very vital role in the formation of Mauryan Empire in India as well as he played a significant role in managing the Mauryan empire. Also, Chanakya was Chief advisor to Chandragupta and his son Bindusara. Apart from this, he authored the popular ancient Indian political treatise called Arthaśāstra and Neetishastra. Chanakya is considered as the pioneer of the field of political science and economics in India. Chanakya, surely knew how to deal with life and always stay one step ahead.
Quotes # 1
If you learn from other men’s mistakes, then you do not have to touch the fire to see how hot it is...
If you learn from other men’s mistakes, then you do not have to touch the fire to see how hot it is...
Quotes # 2
Remember, nothing comes without a cost, not even friendship
Quotes # 3
If education is your arms, then no one can ever defeat you
Quotes # 4
Be a kickass, you can defeat the fear within you
Quotes # 5
Never share your secrets with anybody
Quotes # 6
First think, then plan and finally execute
Quotes # 7
Be good and do good always
These 7 great quotes mentioned continue to serve as an inspiration and a guideline to the modern day man. Also, there’s a lot that we can achieve simply by implementing these rules in our lives.
Inspiring quotes
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