Monday, 11 April 2016

Plight of Indians – Issues Hampering Nation's Future and Success

Cleanliness of any place roots on hygiene rules followed by people around. There are countless corners, roads, places, buildings, staircases and vacant spots that require immediate cleanliness action. This is the plight of all Indians – Urgent need of Cleanliness and Hygiene.

Every now and then we Indians face terrible problems of extreme dirt and hazardous situations and foremost of them is littered roads and spots. And second foremost is the pollution in the metropolitan cities.

Hazardousmaterial, garbage, and litter on the roads have an adverse effect on millions of passersby. An empty plot if left vacant for quite a long time, will be under the attack of nearby residents with garbage, litter and almost every kind of the waste.

Extremely harmful faeces, useless chemicals, and smoke chimneys are all contributing factors that will decide our generation's future in the long run. And we are pretty sure what turn their future would take. When it comes to cleaning, then most of us wouldn't bother to take any constructive steps in order to get rid of terrible plight.

Throwing wastematerial right from the dustbin on to the side of the road is usually what every family does. That is just to get rid of the waste in usually a faster way. People are more concerned about getting rid of the waste in any way they can. This is not a wise idea as believe it or not, they are dirtying their own ambience and that is what makes them more prone to harmful and deadly diseases.

One other health concern our country facing today is immense pollution. There are no measures taken to deal with this problem and even if they are taken, those solutions are not permanent. Temporary measures are not very effective and their results aren't long lasting. If certain measures are taken by the citizens in the race for beautifying our country, then it won't be long when our country will be among one of the most beautiful, and diversified nations of the world.

A car can accommodate minimum of five passengers including the driver. If every vehicle accommodates the passengers equal to its maximum capacity, then a huge amount of fuel will be saved, resulting in fuel's maximum utilization, the significant decrease in traffic, and less pollution.

There are some responsibilities of every Indian citizen other than the rights they enjoy. Understanding and implementing everything possible from your end is the only way to uproot these disastrous issues.